Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Madison is already strong beyond her age. She was able to pick her head up from the day she was born and she hasn't quit doing so yet. Even if you lay her flat on her stomach she can pick up her head and look around the room.

For whatever reason, getting dressed after a bath is some of the most photogenic times that there are with Madison. I have a bunch of pictures like this, but I figured I'd pick just one.

Is she a lefty? Hmmm... Yeah, anyone who knows me knows that this picture was inevitable.

A happy Madison and Daddy play on the floor. Well Daddy had to play with the camera, but you get the idea.

Our Christmas picture for 2005. This has been an incredible year, one that we will never forget. A new job, new house, new baby, and White Sox World Series... I don't know what 2006 has instore for us, but if it is half as good as this year, I can't wait to find out.