Sunday, February 19, 2006

New pictures

Madison rooting for Team USA during his first olympic hockey.

Madison showing off how strong she is already, to go along with a little drool.

Baby Madison, being guarded by her playmate, Baby Pods

Madison with Southpaw at her first Soxfest.

I know it has been a while again, but I never can seem to make the time to get on here for an update. Madison is about 3 1/2 months now, and it still seems like every day she does something, that she has never done before. She now is able to pull herself to a sitting position, but not on her own. She can roll over from her belly to her back, and when she is happy, she will talk your ear off. At her last appointment a couple of weeks ago, she tipped the scale at 12 pounds 6 ounces, and a robust 25 inches tall. Her heighth alone has her growing out of many of her 3-6 month clothes. She really is a happy kid, and we are lucky that she that she thinks she is already way older than she actually is. From day one she was ready to sleep through the night, but she rarely takes naps during the day. Granted I will take that trade off anyday.. Anyways without further ado, here are some new pictures.