Friday, January 21, 2005

Message Board thread of the year

For a great laugh, copy and paste this thread into your browser. You can't make up stuff like this.

Here is the first post that starts it...

"I was thinking about this last night for a while because I normally have crazy shit like this flying through my head and wanted to see what some other people thought.

Is it just me or is the Hamburglar the McDonaldland version of Willie Horton? I mean Big Mac the Constable and Mayor McCheese were both hamburgers, so they should have been in touch with the plight of McDonaldland hamburgers everywhere. They should have pushed for more anti-hamburglarizing legislation. But they didn't.

The Hamburglar was free to run around victimizing defenseless burgers. He was caught numerous times and we was not ever convicted! How brazen do you think that sonofabitch would have been if he did a nickel in federal prison the first time he got busted?

Sorry -- but I just wanted to see if anybody else saw this sort of thing...maybe I do have too much time on my hands."


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