Monday, December 20, 2004

F@#$ing Wonderland reprisal

So Michigan City ended up with somewhere around 2 feet of snow on the ground in the Blizzard of '04. And the funny thing about lake effect snow, about 10 miles in either direction got only a dusting of snow on the ground. MC ended up declaring a snow emergency yesterday afternoon. They began ticketing or arresting anyone who was out driving around. I was one of those fools of course, almost burying the new car in a 3 foot, or so, snowbank. I was on a curve when I hit it, and was just guessing at where the road was, while trying to turn up the wipers to clear the snow off of the windshield. Luckily my aim wasn't too bad, and we didn't get stuck.

The part of town that probably got the emergency declared was about a mile from the lake, where a pretty decent sized hill rises up, which took plenty of victims. People kept trying to navigate up the hill, but kept slipping, sliding and spinning out. So they kept ending up blocking the plows from clearing the main north/south road in town.

You always know that you have had a complete snow storm, when instead of clearing off your car with a snowbrush, you just take the shovel and push all of the snow off of your car.

And finally in the most shocking development of all, the South Shore was only about 15ish minutes late this morning. And most of that was caused by a balky door that refused to close at 57th St in Chicago. It took 3 collectors to figure out what to do (kinda sounds like a lightbulb joke to me). But we were soon on our way. And I always love walking into work after a snow like that, because I always get the "Damn I didn't think you would be here today" line from someone. This is the lake effect belt, we don't hide in our houses from 2 feet of snow!


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