Tuesday, December 14, 2004

A Very "special" Day

Ever have that day at work where every single time you pick up the phone, you get an incredibly dumb question? Well today was "Stupid Question Day" at my desk. I work at an institutional trading desk (dealing exclusively with professional traders) with 5 other people, so you would think the people who call us would know what the hell they are doing, right? WRONG! I couldn't believe the sheer stupidity of some of the things asked today. And the sad thing is, most of the questions came from professional traders. The whole time I am thinking to myself

"people send you their money? My God, how stupid are they?!?!"

Moral of the story: If you ever decide to open a trading account with a certified trader, ask them a lot of questions. If they have to get back to you, they are calling someone else for their answers. This means your money decesions are being influenced by some underpaid, disgruntled clerk at a discount brokerage -like me- who, if they knew all of the answers, wouldn't be answering phones at a discount brokerage in the first place!!!!

Happy Trading


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