Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A Moment of Silence

Today is the 2nd anniversary of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. Upon reentering the Earths orbit, a hole underneath the wing gave way, and the Shuttle disinigrated, killing all aboard. The Space program strikes close to home with me, as I spent 3 years as a child living within a couple of miles of the Johnson Space Center. I was lucky enough to be down there as the Shuttle program was getting off of the ground and making their maiden voyages. NASA will always be more to me that an abbreviation, it is a part of my life that fills me with hope. When I got news of Columbias disappearence, I felt like a member of my own family was gone. January 28, 1986 was no different, when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 91 seconds into its mission.

These are the type of people Americans should look up to. Not athletes, movie stars, or politicians. These are the guys putting their lives on the line everytime they pull down that helmet, with no regard for themselves. They give their whole self just for their country and their planet.

I pray for all of our lost astronauts and their families. You will never be forgotten.


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