Thursday, March 31, 2005

Out like a Lion

Its the end of March in Chicago, so you know what that means. Sun, 70's, huge storms, damaging winds, and right into the 40s again. Well at least the weekend in sports cannot be topped.

Friday we are heading up to Milwaukee to catch an exhibition game between the White Sox and Brew Crew. We are sitting in the suite and it ought to be a blast. Plus Sox fans will get to bid adieu to El Caballo, Carlos Lee.

Saturday is the first night of the Final Four from St Louis. The March the Arch is complete for Illinois, Michigan St, North Carolina, and Louisville. There is a definate midwest flavor this year. My finals picks of NC and Illinois are still alive, but I would love to see Michigan St upset the Tar Heels, and have an all Big Ten finale.

Sunday will actually be an off day. No baseball, no Big Dance.

Monday is the ultimate day in pro sports in not so humble opinion. It is opening day in professional baseball, and it is the NCAA finals at night. I haven't missed a White Sox opener in quite a few years now, I think this will make 10 in a row. Tailgates will be the popular spot to start the day, and the couch or bar will be the place to end it.

Damn I can hardly wait to get through today.

Monday, March 28, 2005


Wow, what an excellent weekend of college basketball. This year in general has been a lot more fun than the past few years, and this weekend did nothing but upgrade that cause.

The rally by Louisville (down 20 in the 1st half, 13 at the half) to beat West Virgina in OT was a blast. Rick Pitino leads his 3rd different team to the final four (Prov, UK, and now Lou. He also did it with future NBAer Fransico Garcia out late with his 5th foul.

The rally by Illinois from 15 down against a good Arizona club, including making up 9 points in a stretch of about 60 seconds starting with a minute and half to go in the game. Lute Olsen made the big tactical error of forgetting Channing Frye who owned the Illini inside, but credit the incredible gutsy effort of the All America guards of Illinois for creating tons of turnovers late. Once again the weekend couldn't be complete without and a last second chance, but Illinois survived to go to the final four

Wisconson played North Carolina well, but in the end did not have an answer for future lottery pick Sean May. May just abused Wilkenson and anyone else that Bo Ryan threw at him. This was the only regional final not to go to OT (3 OTs is a record) and it was still exciting on its own merits, as Wisconson narrowly missed giving the Big 10 3 teams in St Louis.

Finally the closeness of the Michigan St Kentucky game was best demonstrated by the closeness of the Patrick Sparks 3 pointer that sent it to the first OT. Even after extreme magification there was no clear way to tell if Sparks toe was on the line or not. This was an incredibly well played, and even better coached game. Tom Izzo and Tubby Smith looked like two chessmasters out there, countering move after move. Finally MSU outlasted the Wildcats to make their 6th final four in 8 years.

If St Louis is half as much fun as this weekend, it will be one for the ages.

Friday, March 25, 2005

8 weeks down, November 5th to go

We went and had another ultrasound today, this one I actually got to sit back and watch. Everything is great. The baby is 8 weeks along, with our due date being about November 5th. The baby is now 1.43 Cms (about half an inch) long, and the heartrate is solid at 158 bpms. We actually got to take home a picture from the ultrasound, and below is a link for those who would like to see.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Good-bye to another friend

As many know, the wife and I adopted a kitten in September of last year. Or more aptly, the little dude adopted us. He showed up at our door, literally, and wanted in. We named him Krash, both after Aaron Rowand, and my college nickname. Yesterday morning we found that he had died, pneumonia had taken his life way to soon.

Finally after a few days, we took him to the vet, and got him his shots. The poor little guy ended up having a viral infection, and had the runs for two weeks. Once he got healthy, Krash was a great kitten. He was the most friendly cat I have ever had, he loved everyone. He loved to be held, and he loved to get into trouble. The old saying "Curiousity killed the cat" was never more true than with Krash.

A couple of my favorite stories of Krash...

#1 He always had to know everything. We kept the cats food in a trash can that had a lid that flipped up and down to the push. Well he was walking across the top and the lid fell in as it was designed to do. Instead of panicking, he reacted like he had just hit a gold mine, and started eating.

#2 Once he decided the litter box wasn't fresh enough for him, so instead he managed to unfold a bag of litter that had was half full still, and waiting for the next box change, burrowed into it, and used that to do his business. The wife was walking by and saw his tail sticking out of the bag. She looked in and low and behold he was burying his handywork.

#3 The sound of the electric toothbrush drove him nuts. He would come running from whereever he was when one was turned on. And then he would yowl and rub up against you the whole time it was on.

#4 Krash loved to be held. If he decided you weren't paying enough attention to you, he would jump onto you. He managed to get both of us a couple of times.

I know there are plenty of other stories, but you get the idea. In the short time that we had him, he really was one of the neatest animals I have ever had. I am going to miss that little guy.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Y Tu MB?

Reports out of Sox camp are now that ace Mark Buehrle has hurt his foot, and will be out for at least a while. Reports range from a broken foot, to a torn ligament, but even the most conservative estimates have Mark out at least two weeks. So it looks as if phenom Brandon McCarthy will get his shot after all.

Raising Arizona

The White Sox Stud of Arizona without a doubt has been top prospect Brandon McCarthy. An unknown before last year, except for the hardcore minor league Sox fans, Brandon hit the big time by winning 17 games in the minors along with leading all of minor league baseball with 202 strikeouts, while walking only 30 total batters. I was lucky enough to get the chance to talk to him last year, because he joined as a member on, where I like to hang out.

Brandon came to Arizona with no chance at a major league job as for the first time since the early 90's the Sox rotation is 5 players deep. Instead he came about as close to getting a starting gig as possible when the Sox have 5 starters that have big contracts. Brandon has made 4 starts, pitching 15 1/3 innings giving up only one single earned run, and walking only one single batter. He gave up only 9 hits and struck out 9. With an ERA of 0.59 and a WHIP of 0.65, Brandon has been almost too good to be true.

There is no doubt that at the first chance, and with Orlando Hernandez in the rotation it could be pretty quick, BMac will be on the southside. This kid is special, and will be an anchor in the rotation next to Mark Buehrle.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Steroid testimony

A few things I picked up with my limited access to the big show in front of Congress.

I do really wish that Frank got to testify. I think he would have come off with PR coup sitting up there with all of the rest of the scumbags, liars, and evaders. With all of the bad press the big fella has had this would have been a nice reward for all of the years he stayed on the straight and narrow.

I also wish they had granted immunity to the ballplayers, because I really would have liked to seen these guys come clean. It became worthless to have Mark McGwire there, because he couldn't answer anything without it possibly getting him in trouble.

Baseball's leaders came off as complete assclowns. Bud Selig gave some of the most self-serving answers of all of them. He didn't want this issue in public just as much as anyone else. He could have made this a public issue, or at worst, he has the ability to enact these kind of rules for the good of the game, without subjecting them to collective bargining. If he really wanted something done, he could have done it. And as a former used car salesman, he knows all of the backdoors.

Monday, March 14, 2005

What a whirl

Things are pretty crazy right now. Soon we are going to have to move into a bigger place. Right now we are only in a one bedroom apartment, we want to get something with at least two bedrooms, if not three. Plus we don't have a ton of money to spend, so our options are kinda limited. We have started the prospecting part, but it will most likely be July or August before we get serious.

Plus there are tons of things that we need to start looking for and buying before the baby is born. My mind is just spinning.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

An Update, finally

Well I have been a little negligent in updating the old blog lately, but with good reason. Things have been a little crazier than usual as of late.

We are going to have a baby. Yup you read that right.

The wife is about 6 weeks pregnant. The home test came back positive last Saturday. We went and saw the OBGYN on Thursday and had an ultrasound last night. There were some initial fears over somethings seeming not quite right, but after the ultrasound, it seems as if everything is AOK. The initial estimate for a due date is November 4th. The ultrasound didn't show a heartbeat yet, but that should be happening anyday now.

A real exciting time to say the least :)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

60 to zero in 36 hours

Well not quite zero, but you get the point. Sunday night at sunset the temps in Chicago were in the middle 60's. Within less than 36 hours the temps have fallen all of the way down to 10 whole degrees. Of course we are getting lake effect snow to add insult to injury. We had to get teased with the spring weather, only to have old man winter crush our hopes again. This whole week looks like another week of temps in the 30's with lows in the teens.

Sox lost another game in Spring Training yesterday. Joe Borchard was the hero with 3 extra base hits, including two bombs for homers. I would really like to see Joe breakout more than anyone on the Sox, as he is a genuinely nice guy off of the field as well. Plus he has just be crucified in the media, and there are much more deserving guys of it.

Joey Cora was the goat of yesterday's game getting 3 people thrown out at home plate, including two in one inning. Cora did say he was sending guys that he usually wouldn't send, but it scares you anyway.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Fantasy Baseball draft

I got my first fantasy baseball draft out of the way this weekend. I drafted last in the first round, which actually has to be the worst possible spot. Yeah you get to pick last in the first round, and then right away first in the second round, but the problem is that all of the best superstars off of the board. I had to go with Mark Prior and Ichiro Suzuki with my first two picks which is really against my personal philosophy. Usually I like to go up the middle and get my catcher, second baseman, and shortshop's out of the way early. This team of mine ended up with Crosby and Uribe at 2nd and SS, which sucks. I was happy with my later rounds though, as I got some late steals like AJ Pierzinski, Ray Durham, and Jermaine Dye.

I think I am going to have to hit the waiver wires early in this league...

A Sight for Sore Eyes

The White Sox first televised game comes today at 2:05 pm. I wish I could be home to see it, but of course I have to work. :(

So far in camp Reynoso, Sean Tracey, Josh Fields, Kris Honel and Brandon McCarthy have been among those who have made an early big impression on management. On the flip side, Felix Diaz and Bobby Jenks have been amoung those who have been on the disappointing side. Tadahito Iguchi has been solid at the plate so far, but scary in the field, granted it has been with less than ideal conditions.

Frank Thomas also reported for camp today, and headed straight for the weight room. I am hoping that Frank doesn't try to push himself back too quickly.

Friday, March 04, 2005

One Month to go!!!

Spring Training baseball is underway, and the Sox are one month away from their home openner, April 4th at beautiful, and most likely freezing Comiskey Park. It will be their openning game at home in over 10 years.

So far this spring the Sox are 0-2 with a couple of guys on the brink not putting up very good showings. Felix Diaz got pounded in his outing in the first spring game, and Arnie Munoz gave up the winning run yesterday. Munoz didn't sound very sharp with his curve, which isn't much of a surprise in the desert air.

The offense hasn't done much, but then again they didn't feature many starters at all yesterday. The one guy who has really played well is new Sox LF Scott Podsednik. He has been on base 5 times and has 2 steals in just the two games. If we get big production out of him, this will be a great season.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

State of City Address

As most know, I have been basically born, raised, and lived almost of my life in Michigan City Indiana. There have been somethings bugging me about politics in my hometown, so today is a long, long rant day.

As I see it, there are 3 basic criteria that one uses when deciding to move to an area or a town. In no particular order, families look at community safety, the local school system, and the local employment situation. Now there are exceptions and odd situations sure, but in general most people look at some combination of those 3.

Now with that in mind, we look at Michigan City's situation. Right now frankly the schools are in chaos. As I posted before the Administration decided that their suspension and explusion rates were too high (City ranked way high in IN's overall totals) so they directed the schools leaders to do everything possible to not suspend or expell students. The situation at the schools has deteriorated to the point where the sign out front might as well read Indiana State Prison instead of Michigan City HS. Kids did whatever they wanted to the point of endangering teachers and fellow students on a daily basis. Big fights are a regular occurance, students don't go to class, instead roaming the halls at will, teachers have been hit, students have been brutally beaten, and yet none of this info is ever really made public. Parents have no idea what is going on in the schools and don't understand the teachers action at all. Their kids are in danger, and they have no idea. As a matter of a fact the school board attended to school one day to attempt to show how safe the school was, and instead the Assistant Superintendant got to return to her roots as a former Assistant Principal, and break up a fight.

The school board ignored the protests from the teachers union to the point where they had to declare a "work to rules" action in which teachers would only work the specifics which were in their employment contract. The resulting action basically grinded the school to a mushy halt. Teacher couldn't volunteer for activities that they usually do in their freetime. They also couldn't do things like grade papers, write tests, and prepare for classes outside of their workday, which has led to more problems. Sick students also lost the chance to make up tests outside of class, because teachers weren't allowed to spend any extra time to give the test.

Finally the school board has realized the mess they have made, and relented into most of the teachers demands. The teachers have called off their action temporarily for two weeks to see how these new rules run. The key demand has been met, with disipline being decided at the school level instead of at the administrative level. It will be interesting to see how this turns out.

But the symptoms of the problems are not going to be addressed. The purpose of high school is to prepare kids for the next level of their life. It isn't meant to be a finishing school. It is meant to prepare kids for college, trade school, or a job depending on the needs of the student. City has become so obsessed with test scores and expulsion rates that they have lost track of this. Instead the kids are hitting the workplace with no ability to learn, only the ability to regurgitiate facts in a short term time frame. They have no idea of work ethic or personal responsibility becaue they haven't been installed in these kids when they should have been. This is the problem that needs to be addressed.

The Superintendant of City schools Michael Harding's big soundbite is that all students "deserve an education" and I couldn't disagree with him more. Everyone deserves the OPPORTUNITY for an education. Once you waste that opportunity, you don't have it anymore. And once a student is taking away from the educational opportunities of another student, they have lost that chance in my opinion. The biggest problem with Harding's theory is it just furthers the point of view that many in our area have, that the system owes them something personally. No one is owed anything they do not attempt to earn for themselves, and an education is one of those things. It is out there if you want it. If you don't want it hard enough to work for it, you don't deserve it, an education included. When you are imersed in the entitlement mentality for your formative years, you hit the real world and realize that you aren't entitled to a nice job, fancy car, big house etc, and you have no idea how to get it, because you were never taught that you have to work for it. Michael Harding definately needs to rethink his philosophy in my opinion.

Next on my rant list is City and its politics. Currently their are plans around to bulldoze three more locally owned and operated restaraunts and build more condos and a luxury hotel. I know what the community leaders are thinking is that these condos will help the property tax rolls continue to grow, but they are once again looking at short term solutions to long term problems.

The problem is that people don't want to live in Michigan City year round. And mostly because of the three reasons that I listed at the beginning of my rant. There aren't many non-retail jobs, the school system is in shambles, and dispite declining crime rates, much of City isn't that safe. There has been an intelectual and skill flight out of City for at least two generations right now, that shows no signs of ebbing. Instead of giving abatements for companies to build casinos and malls, Michigan City needs to get out there and fight for skilled employment companies to down roots in City. Even with Condos being built, I truely believe the economic impact of someone paying property taxes on a $500,000 place while actually living there two weeks a year, is not as much as a two parent family each earning $30,000 but living here and spending their money here fifty two weeks a year. I would love to see a study on that done, but it makes sense to me. Also if City works to attact skilled labor, these are the types of people who are going to demand better schools for their kids, as they want their kids be educated and prepared for the workplace, knowing full well what that entitles. And these families being gainfully employed are way less like to be contributing to any kind of a crime rate. They are also much more likely to contribute to a community where they live, versus one they visit for weekends and vacations.

Instead our priorties are attracting $6 an hour retail jobs, because they are MUCH easier to attract, and selling out our precious lakefront to the highest bidder, even if that isn't the smartest thing to do for Michigan City as a whole, in the long term. This is also the kind of mentality that gives us half a million dollars worth of worthless brick structures on the sidewalks of Franklin Street at the same time we are laying off teachers. I know it is nice to present a pretty side to the tourists who visit us, but couldn't you spend that money a little better. The way I see it that money could have hired 10 teachers, cops, firefighters etc for one year, or one of those for about 10 years. Which one does that community more good? Are tourists going to remember those pretty brick things, and come back to spend again, or is that kid who is stuck in an overcrowded classroom more likely to drop out because no one has time to hear his cries for help.

I realize that things are a lot more complex than that, but putting Michigan City back into its former glory days is going to take a lot of work. I firmly believe that if they started to concentrate on those three main things, this town would explode again. It is in a beautiful location on Lake Michigan, complete with a port, interstate access, national parks, beachside housing, etc. During the 50's and 60's City's growth rate would have projected it to a population of 100,000 people today. Instead we are stuck at the same 30,000 people that we had 40 years ago. There is so much potential here, it just pains me to see it wasted, with such a basic solution right there at our fingertips.

If you have made it this far, thanks for taking in my rant. I would love to hear opinions and comments if you have them.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

In Like a Lion

March first, the day before the first spring training baseball game and you know that means. SNOW! Excuse me while I puke. City again getting clipped with the Lake Effect Snow Machine, and to make it more fun winds have been in the 20-30 mph which makes plowing and shoveling absolutely worthless. I keep telling myself the end is near, but old man winter doesn't want to leave for Florida just yet.