Friday, March 18, 2005

Steroid testimony

A few things I picked up with my limited access to the big show in front of Congress.

I do really wish that Frank got to testify. I think he would have come off with PR coup sitting up there with all of the rest of the scumbags, liars, and evaders. With all of the bad press the big fella has had this would have been a nice reward for all of the years he stayed on the straight and narrow.

I also wish they had granted immunity to the ballplayers, because I really would have liked to seen these guys come clean. It became worthless to have Mark McGwire there, because he couldn't answer anything without it possibly getting him in trouble.

Baseball's leaders came off as complete assclowns. Bud Selig gave some of the most self-serving answers of all of them. He didn't want this issue in public just as much as anyone else. He could have made this a public issue, or at worst, he has the ability to enact these kind of rules for the good of the game, without subjecting them to collective bargining. If he really wanted something done, he could have done it. And as a former used car salesman, he knows all of the backdoors.


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