Friday, April 08, 2005

The Good and the Ugly

Yesterday sucked for baseball and was pretty cool on the baby front.

The Sox blew a 3 run ninth inning lead and lost by 6 in extras on getaway day. Shingo got squeezed, and then servered up 3 fat ones to tie the game. Meanwhile Ozzie had used up the pen, and had no one fresh for extra innings. Fast Forward to the 11th where Catcher Chris Widger was warming in the pen, as Luis Vizcaino gave up 6 runs. Sox lost 11-5 and drop to 2-1 overall.

We also got another ultrasound done yesterday and got more good news. The baby has doubled in size in a day under two weeks. It is now 2.93 cms (about an inch and a quarter) and the heartrate is about 170 bpm. The neat thing was that we actually got to see the baby move around. It was the first time we got to see that, which was really exciting.


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