Monday, May 23, 2005

Revenge of $160,000,000

So we went and saw the supposed final installment of Star Wars ("Revenge of the Sith") and were not disappointed at all. This movie was easily the best of the 3, all though I will qualify that by saying I don't think these last 3 movies were really made to be stand alone movies like the first three. My thinking on this trio was that they were always meant to be one seven hour movie, instead of 3, 2+ hour movies. And if they are watched with this in mind, it is an even better trilogy.

But as for the movie itself there was tons of action, all of the plots were tied up in a neat little bow, and except for a few contradictions from the "future" past movies, it was really well done.

One scene in particular that was incredible was after Anakin's near death, when the Emperor takes him back and rebuilds him as Darth Vader. The last piece is the helmet, which gets slipped over his head, only to hear that first distinctive breath get taken in. It gave me chills.

Definate two thumbs up, 4 star movie. Go see it if you have not already.


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