Thursday, May 05, 2005

Signs, signs, everywhere signs...

I love office drama. Somedays I swear that we are the cast of the NBC show "The Office" and no one told us. This is our latest office drama...

Lunchroom thieves have long been the bane of existance here. Once someone got their Hot Pockets pilfered. They left a sarcastic sign thanking the thief for eating their lunch, and someone wrote back "where is desert?" Another time the security guard got on the office intercom and announced to everyone that "Whoever took the package of all-beef hotdogs, would they please return them to (so-andso)" Yet another time, someone opened up someones pizza slices, took one bite, and then decided they didn't like it, so they put it back.

Well with the scene appopriately set, yesterday was someone in the backoffice's birthday so there was a birthday cake brought. Well the hated lunchroom thief evidentally got out the cake and had a piece. Well that person wasn't bright enough to put the cake back. Now when a birthday cake gets left sitting out in the lunchroom, that is code for; we didn't finish the cake, so whoever wants some, take some. So obviously, the whole birthday cake gets ate up. Then later in the afternoon, this sign shows up on the door of the fridge. "Thanks to whoever ate my birthday cake. I didn't even get to have a piece. I hope you enjoyed it" It was unsigned.


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