Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Nuking 'buster

With the Democrats holding up 10 judicial nominations, the Republicans have floated the idea of making the filibuster endable by only 51 votes in the Senate. Currently it sits at 60 votes which means no one party can control the agenda on the floor right now.

It has been funny to hear the Dems and their mouthpieces screaming about the evil republicans, and the conservatives screaming about the obstructionists. Not too long ago the shoe was on the other foot, and whaddya know, the parties were saying the exact opposite things. God I hate politicians sometimes.

Here are some fun links, I will concentrate on the other side of things, as the media has been all too generous to point out the Republicians switch on this, now we will see the Dems flip-flop

  • Leahy, Feingold, and Schumer on filibusters and Judicial nominations

  • The New York Times changes its position on the filibuster, now that Liberals aren't running Congress anymore. Also the Dems were the ones in 1975 who led the chanrge, which reduced the threshhold for ending a filibuster from 67 to 60 votes.

  • Robert Byrd led at least 4 votes to change the end of a filibuster from 60 votes to 51 votes

  • Democrats proposed totally ending the filibuster while Clinton was President, and were the only 19 votes for it

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