Friday, June 10, 2005

Sweeney situation to be decided soon

This was in the Michigan City News Dispatch today.

The board of the Michigan City Area Schools met in executive session Thursday to discuss a personnel matter.

Board President Jim Kintzele would not say whether the discussion was about assistant superintendent Eugene Sweeney, who is on administrative leave.

But he indicated the Sweeney situation will likely be on the next school board agenda.

"I think we'll have an announcement (about Sweeney) at the (school) board meeting Tuesday."

Sweeney was placed on leave after he angered teachers during a May 4 meeting. He criticized the Michigan City Education Association for erecting what he saw as road blocks to educational progress. He also said he would not trust his children to some teachers in the system.

The board meets at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the board room of the administration center. The meeting is open to the public, but the Tuesday meeting likely will not include a public forum. According to board rules, the meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month includes a public forum, but not the meeting on the second Tuesday.

Hopefully this mean his paid vacation while he is on leave, turns into a permanent vacation. He has disgraced an entire town, and everyone in it. There is no way he should have a job still.


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