Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Its been a while

With everything going on, I really haven't got a chance to blog as much as I used to, so I will try to cover as much as I can in one big swoop.

First the White Sox are the 2005 World Series Champions. How incredible was that? The pitching and defense were incredible throughout the whole playoffs and season for that matter, and really carried this team. Jermaine Dye ended up being the WS MVP, but it could have been anyone of a number of people. I also got to take in some of the pre-rally pre-parade stuff downtown. It was an incredible scene even an hour before they left Comiskey Park. The parade/rally took in an estimated 1.75 million people, which blows away any of the other big events that Chicago hosts.

Next up is work. I finally finished up at the sinking ship of Enron, more commonly known as Refco. It is nice to finally get out of there, as that was the most backwards place I have ever worked. As I ranted many of times, the emphasis of that company was a complete 180 of what it should be. They put the financial incentive for the employees on not making mistakes, instead of getting the job done. What happens is that the more work you do, the more risk of a mistake there is, so eventually no one wants to work at all. No one is willing to go out of their way to get the job done, and instead everyone just kinda acts like they can't hear or see anything that is going on. It seeps all of the way up to the managers and supervisors as well, and it makes getting anything done impossible. The whole feeling of the place is the laziest cesspool of whining that I have seen in the trading industry. Its like a quicksand that draws you in, and I am thrilled to be gone.

My new job is going well. I am back on a trading floor, and got a big fat raise on top of it all. It is active, aggressive, and busy. All of those are things that I love on a job. I am learning a lot quickly, and am starting to do some of the more common activities that take place here. It will be fun to see what happens as time progresses here.

Third is the baby front. The last physical said that the baby was big, and ready to go any day now. The doc also said that he was going to be out of town for most of next week, and discussed having the delivery induced. There are pros and cons to both sides of it, but we are going to have the inducement done on Friday, if something doesn't happen before then. Basically because of days off and the rest of the family, this weekend is going to be the best time to get something done. The wife also wants to make sure she has her doctor doing the delivery, so that factors in as well. This is going to be an interesting few days to say the least.


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