Thursday, December 23, 2004

Snow removal, KY style

I am borrowing this story from a fellow Soxtalk poster who lives in Louisville Kentucky. This is so incredibly funny, I had to share it.

"Some of you may not think this is funny, but oh well. I thought it was pretty hilarious.

So we got a lot of snow down here in Louisville last night. I probably shoveled the driveway 5 times yesterday and then once again this morning.

So as I was shoveling this morning at 7am, I look across the street. 2 male "partners" live at the house. One was trying to help the other get his car out of the garage out of the driveway, which is a bit hilly. First, he started using a broom to try to brush the snow away. Keep in mind this is about 12-14 inches of snow.

After the guy realizes he isn't doing a damn thing, he decides he is going to be a hero. The moron fires up the LAWNMOWER. Never in my 22 years of existence have I heard of the lawnmower as a snow removal device. He proceeds to "mow" the driveway for about 10 mintues and the whole time I am laughing my ass off along with my mother. Finally he stopped and I turned to my mom, she was laughing hysterically, to which I then asked her if they were going to bag the snow. Obviously, they weren't, but I just found this pretty damn funny that someone would opt for the lawnmower over the conventional snow shovel. "


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