Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Fair thee well Sammy - A Sox fans good-bye

Rumor is that the Sammy Sosa trade to the Orioles will be completed today or tommorrow. It is so sad because there is no better insurance policy of keeping the Cubs out of the World Series than having number 21 in right field.

But this isn't about that. This is about paying tribute to the savior of the Cubs. And the memories, so many great memories.

Such as the corked bat. He only used it for batting practice, and he had to have grabbed it accidentally. But mysteriously it took over two innings for the league to get into the Cubs lockerroom and grab all of Sammy's bats for inspection. And somehow they all came up clean.

Or walking around with $50,000 in cash in a brown paper bag in the middle of the Dominican Republic. Why would you be walking around a 3rd world country with that much cash? I guess Barry left him out of the whole Balco thing, huh.

How about throwing a rum bottle at his wife? Luckily his rum throwing arm was about as strong and accurate as he was with a baseball, and the throw sailed on him.

And how could you forget Sammy comparing himself to Jesus Christ during his prolonged slump while his name kept getting mentioned in trade rumors with the New York Yankees? One could walk on water, and one couldn't draw a walk to save his life.

Oh Sammy, how us Sox fans will miss you. We'll have to save the "Sammy Sucks" chants for you visit to the southside as an Oriole.


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