Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The measure of Jose Contreras

I have commented a few times that during the season, I think AJ Pierzynski is the BIG difference in the way that Jose Contreras has been pitching this year. Now after watching that disaster last night, it inspired me to do some research. It will be interesting to see if this trend continues this year but here are the starts were AJ has caught Contreras, in order.

6 IP 1 ER
6.2 IP 4 ER
4.2 IP 4 ER
3.1 IP 1 ER
6 IP 1 ER
8 IP 1 ER
7 IP 1 ER
7 IP 3 ER
6 IP 2 ER
6 IP 2 ER

Now Widger's three starts with Contreras

5 IP 4 ER
6.1 IP 4 ER
6 IP 8 ER

For totals of...

AJ 60.2 IP 16 ER 2.52 ERA
Widger 17.1 IP 16 ER 8.30 ERA

Its not even close right now. Now it will be interesting to see if this is an aberration, or if AJ literally makes Contreras a better pitcher.


Blogger Ilk said...

Mike--have you noticed that AJ and El Duque have got something going on that's not quite right?

El Duque shakes AJ off.

El Duque throws bad pitch.

AJ whips ball back at AJ really hard with disgruntled look.

...or am I hallucinating?

8:24 AM  
Blogger southsider2k5 said...

Definately. Orlando has a completely different game plan in mind than AJ does.

I wonder if he called games back in NY with Posada, or if the bench called his game there? If he called his own game in NY, he pitched well enough to earn the right to do it here, I think. If it was Posada/bench, he needs to get on the Contreras diet and quit shaking off signs.

9:05 AM  

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