Friday, February 04, 2005

Big losses?

Both the Cubs and White Sox are coming into 2005 minus their 2004 left and right fielders. But what jumps off of the paper at me is the amount of offense that the Chicago teams let walk away in the OF. The numbers are staggering between Sosa, Alou, Lee, and Ordonez there are a combined 1191 home runs and 3877 runs batted in. The Cubs alone are replacing 852 homers and 2622 RBIs. The Sox are replacing 339 homers and 1255 RBIs.

The Sox have done a much better job filling these spot than the Cubs have. While the power numbers will drop, the Sox picked up the major leagues leading base stealer to step in for Carlos Lee. Jermaine Dye steps into RF for Maggs. As an insurance policy for Dye, the Sox also have the capable Carl Everett, who has lost 15 pounds over the winter after being embarassed by his size and numbers last year.

On the northside it ain't nearly as pretty. Jeromy Burnitz will replace Sammy in RF. While Burnitz's numbers are impressive on the surface, when you dig deeper you see that Burnitz had terrible splits away from Coors Field. While hitting 37 HRs and driving in 110 last year, he hit only 13 of those HRs and drove in only 42 away from the Launching Pad. His batting average plunged from .322 in Denver to .244 away from home. And then there is left field and it only gets worse. They are basically praying that either Jerry Hairston Jr (the lone major leaguer recieved for Sosa), Jason Dubois, or David Kelton comes through in a big way.

To say the least 2005 should be an interesting year for both Chicago baseball teams as they move away from the long ball, and look to become faster and better defenders.


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