Monday, February 07, 2005

Super Bore XXXIX

The whole Super Bowl thing was a pretty big yawn this year. The game was a sloppy mess, led by Donavon McNabb who played like he had 0-0 in a square pool. A lot of turnovers and not many big plays made it a disappointing game.

Paul McCartney preformed at the half, which is great for us Beatles fans, but nothing like the big production that one is used to seeing at the SB. It was just him and his band on stage... no dancers, no choriography, and just a few fireworks.

Even the commercials were a little disappointing as there were none that were especially memorable. Lays commerical with MC Hammer, and Bud Light's jumping pilot were my favorites of the ones I saw, but again, nothing was knockdown funny like usual.

I guess its wait til XL.


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