Thursday, August 18, 2005

But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night...

Let's just say that things are a little crazy at work now... First our Desk Back-up Supervisor took the week off for a vacation. Now that alone is no real big deal, as the other 4 of us, just make the adjustment and do a little more work. Well on Wednesday our Supervisor's mom died, and he left right away. That left the desk with 3 clerks, and none of us knew how, or had the authority to do anything that the Supervisors do. So basically I am standing in as the boss for the next few days, until the Back-up gets back from his vacation. It has been a baptism by fire in someways, but more than anything, it has really kept me on my toes and really busy. Thankfully I have only one more day of this, as Monday we should be close to normal. But at least I know now that being a Supervisor or a Back-up wouldn't be that difficult, especially with someone else to split the duties with.


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