Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Famous Last Words

Et tu, Brute?
~~ Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman Emperor, d. 44 BC

Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.
From Luke 23:46
~~ Jesus Christ

~~campaingn speech Howard Dean

With that famous yell, Howard Dean sealed his fate in the Presidential Primaries. Now Howie is taking over the leadership of the diving Democrats. Many have mocked the choice, but I for one think it is a sharp move. Dean had a great campaign going. He had hit the grass roots hard, and was shocking the world with the amount of money he raised. Then two things happened. JFKH got his wife to pony up a big loan to save his sinking ship, and Dean decide to do the rebel yell. After that Dean turned into a big joke, while Kerry-Heinz saturated the airwaves and stole momentum from Dean. It ended up being suicide for the Dems as Dean was the only guy who could honestly preach the anti-war message that many were looking for in this election. Heck Kerry's "I was for it, before I was against it" line was worse than Dean's primal scream in determining the election. It will be interesting to see how the Dems respond under Howie's leadership. They could learn somethings about a focused message and touching your base from him.


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