Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I Can Feel it in the Air Today

BASEBALL!!! White Sox pitchers and catchers began reporting to Arizona for Spring Training. The long winter of our discontent is almost over. I gotta say this time of year is always exciting to me, even if I don't expect much from the team. This year is no different, although I am excited about the new look southsiders. April 4th can't come soon enough.

And on a much sadder note, hockey has become the first major American sport to have an entire season cancelled because of a labor dispute. Dispite some last minute negotiatioins and manuevering the sides weren't able to come to an agreement. So instead the season is cancelled and negotiations will have to start all over again for the 2005-2006 season. The NHL was never going to be on a level with MLB, NBA, or NFL, but really they are going to put themselves on par with WNBA and maybe the XFL after this. Very sad news.


Blogger Ilk said...

Beautiful sight:

3:50 PM  
Blogger Ilk said...

Try again, Ilk:

3:51 PM  
Blogger southsider2k5 said...

That pic is incredible. I am going to make a photo print of that and try to get it autographed. Thanks for the link!

8:27 PM  

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